5 research outputs found

    The Reality of the Employees Performance in the Palestinian Cellular Telecommunications Company (Jawwal)

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    The aim of this study was to identify the reality of the performance of the employees in The Palestinian Cellular Telecommunications Company (Jawwal), and to find the differences between the views of the study sample on the variables of the study according to the variables (age, scientific qualification, field of work and years of service). To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed and developed to measure the variables of the study applied to the company's 70 employees. The Complete Census method was used and 60 samples were recovered for analysis with a recovery rate (85.7%). The SPSS statistical package was adopted. The study reached several results, the most important of which is that the degree of approval for the job performance of the employees working in The Palestinian Cellular Telecommunications Company (Jawwal) is 81.56%. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of α≤ 0.05 between the average of the respondents' opinions on the performance of the workers in the Palestinian Cellular Telecommunications Company (Jawwal) due to the following variables (age, scientific qualification, field of work, number of years of service). The most important recommendations were to increase the efficiency of the employees of the company using the equipment of their work, and the need to pay attention to the development of the skills of employees through specialized training programs to improve their performance. And focus on moral incentives because of their role in improving the performance of employees by spreading the spirit of cooperation between

    The Reality of Computerized Management Information Systems in the Palestinian Cellular Communications Company-Jawwal

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    The aim of this study was to identify the reality of computerized management information systems in Jawwal, and to detect the differences between the views of the study sample on the variables of the study according to the variables (age, Scientific Qualification, field of work and years of service). To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed and developed to measure the variables of the study applied to the company's 70 employees. The comprehensive inventory method was used and 60 samples were recovered for analysis with a recovery rate (85.7). SPSS pakage was used to analyze the data. The study reached several results, the most important of which is that the degree of approval of the requirements of the management and operation of computerized information system in Jawwal Company in general amounted to 73.14%. There were statistically significant differences between the respondents' perceptions of computerized management information systems in Jawwal Company, due to the demographic variables (scientific level, years of experience, work place, job level). Management Information Systems and the importance of using modern devices, advanced software, and attention to the availability of modern networks and work to solve network problems such as interruptions and slow communication that came within the results of the study. And operational and application software to increase user awareness of the capabilities of the hardware and software used and not to focus on how to use them only

    The Effect of Total Quality Management in Achieving the Requirements of Quality of Career among University Colleges Employees

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    The study aimed to identify the effect of Total Quality Management in achieving the requirements of the quality of job life among university college employees, and the researchers used the descriptive and analytical approach, and used a main tool to collect information, which is: the questionnaire. The study population reached (596) academic and administrative employees distributed among (5) University colleges in Gaza Strip, and a stratified random sample of (240) employees was selected, approximately (40.3%) of the study population. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The study concluded that the application of the requirements of total quality management in university colleges in Gaza Strip is appropriate in general in terms of: (the commitment of the top management to total quality management, organizational structure, management with facts, focus on beneficiaries, staff empowerment, and continuous improvement). The sample on the dimensions of total quality management with a relative weight is (69.93%). And that the elements of job quality in university colleges in Gaza Strip are generally adequate in terms of: (moral working conditions, wages and rewards, participation in decision-making, handling of complaints and grievances, benefits provided to employees), where the response of the sample respondents was about the dimensions of job quality with a relative weight (63.30%), and the existence of a strong positive relationship between Total Quality Management in university colleges in Gaza Strip. And that there is a statistically significant effect of the variables of comprehensive quality management and quality of career in university colleges in Gaza Strip at a significance level (α = 0.05). And that the dimensions of total quality management most influencing the dimensions of job quality are: (empowering employees; continuous improvement; focusing on beneficiaries; managing with facts). The absence of differences between the answers of the sample members about the impact of Total Quality Management in achieving the requirements of the quality of the job life of the employees in university colleges due to the variable (academic qualification, years of service). And the existence of differences attributed to a variable (gender in favor of the male category, the college in favor of the university college of applied sciences category, and the nature of work attributed to an academic category with an administrative position). Among the most important recommendations of the study is the necessity for university colleges to be keen on: (achieving job satisfaction, employee participation when setting regulations and policies and making important decisions, adhering to scientific research requirements and encouraging scientific achievements and career creativity among employees, while providing material and moral facilities for scientific research and development, developing mechanisms and patterns of electronic work). University colleges must provide benefits to employees such as: (providing health care, organizing leisure trips, contributing to solving economic problems, providing club subscriptions). And the necessity for university colleges to pay attention to handling complaints and grievances through: (Assigning an efficient and competent committee to handle complaints and grievances in all fairness and transparency, adopting and following up the results of the application of handling complaints and grievances, protecting complainants from any arbitrary action against them). And the need for the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to develop the evaluation role of the National Authority for Accreditation, Quality and Quality of Higher Education Institutions to evaluate the performance of university colleges, to ensure the application of academic and administrative quality standards in colleges, and to seek the help of quality and excellence experts in evaluating the application of Total Quality Management in the academic and administrative f ield in accordance with regional performance standards And global

    The Reality of Achieving the Requirements of Total Quality Management in University Colleges

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    The study aimed to identify the reality of total quality management in university colleges in Gaza Strip, through its dimensions, which are (commitment of senior management; organizational building; employee empowerment; continuous improvement; focus on beneficiaries; management by facts), and to detect differences in the responses of sample members according to For personal variables (type; educational qualification; college; nature of work; years of service). The researchers used the descriptive analytical method, and used a main tool to collect information: the questionnaire consisted of (42) phrases, and the study population reached (596) academic and administrative employees distributed to (5) university colleges in Gaza Strip, and it was chosen A stratified random sample of them consisted of (240) employees, approximately (40.3%) of the study population. (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The study concluded a set of results, the most important of which are: (1) The application of the requirements of total quality management in university colleges in Gaza Strip is generally appropriate in terms of: (the commitment of senior management to total quality management, organizational building, facts management, focus on beneficiaries, employee empowerment, continuous improvement), where the response of the sample members was about the dimensions Total quality management with relative weight (69.93%). (2) There are differences at the level of significance (α =.05) between the averages of the respondents' responses to total quality management in university colleges in Gaza Strip due to gender and differences in favor of the male category. And differences attributed to the college and in favor of the University College of Professional Sciences. (3) There are no differences between the averages of the respondents' responses to total quality management in university colleges in Gaza Strip due to (Educational Qualification, Nature of Work, and Years of Service). Among the most important recommendations of the study: The need for university colleges to ensure: (achieving job satisfaction, employee participation when setting regulations and policies and making important decisions, adhering to the requirements of scientific research and encouraging scientific achievements and job creativity among employees, while providing material and moral facilities for scientific research and development, developing Mechanisms and patterns of electronic work). And that university colleges give attention to handling complaints and grievances through: (assigning a competent and competent committee to handle complaints and grievances in all fairness and transparency, adopting and following up on the results of implementing complaints and grievances, protecting the complainants from any arbitrary procedure against them)

    The Reality of Achieving the Requirements of Total Quality Management in University Colleges

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    The study aimed to identify the reality of total quality management in university colleges in Gaza Strip, through its dimensions, which are (commitment of senior management; organizational building; employee empowerment; continuous improvement; focus on beneficiaries; management by facts), and to detect differences in the responses of sample members according to For personal variables (type; educational qualification; college; nature of work; years of service). The researchers used the descriptive analytical method, and used a main tool to collect information: the questionnaire consisted of (42) phrases, and the study population reached (596) academic and administrative employees distributed to (5) university colleges in Gaza Strip, and it was chosen A stratified random sample of them consisted of (240) employees, approximately (40.3%) of the study population. (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The study concluded a set of results, the most important of which are: (1) The application of the requirements of total quality management in university colleges in Gaza Strip is generally appropriate in terms of: (the commitment of senior management to total quality management, organizational building, facts management, focus on beneficiaries, employee empowerment, continuous improvement), where the response of the sample members was about the dimensions Total quality management with relative weight (69.93%). (2) There are differences at the level of significance (α =.05) between the averages of the respondents' responses to total quality management in university colleges in Gaza Strip due to gender and differences in favor of the male category. And differences attributed to the college and in favor of the University College of Professional Sciences. (3) There are no differences between the averages of the respondents' responses to total quality management in university colleges in Gaza Strip due to (Educational Qualification, Nature of Work, and Years of Service). Among the most important recommendations of the study: The need for university colleges to ensure: (achieving job satisfaction, employee participation when setting regulations and policies and making important decisions, adhering to the requirements of scientific research and encouraging scientific achievements and job creativity among employees, while providing material and moral facilities for scientific research and development, developing Mechanisms and patterns of electronic work). And that university colleges give attention to handling complaints and grievances through: (assigning a competent and competent committee to handle complaints and grievances in all fairness and transparency, adopting and following up on the results of implementing complaints and grievances, protecting the complainants from any arbitrary procedure against them)